Top 5 Laziest Dog Breeds : For Your Apartment Lifestyle

Dogs are known for their active and social lifestyles. They just love to go on long walks and play endlessly with their master. This is what people say about them, but if we practically think about this, it is not very true to reality. It is true that some dogs are active and love to be socialized. I said ‘some’ and that’s true rather if you don’t believe me you can ask an owner of a bulldog for the confirmation. Well if you are willing to buy a dog breed which is a couch potato, then mate you are the right place. So let’s begin with our list of Top 5 Laziest Dog Breeds(Just to inform you this list is not a ranking list, it is just a list of the breeds)

Top 5 Laziest Dog Breeds

1. Bulldog : First in our list of top 5 Laziest Dog Breeds

Bulldog is the first dog breed to feature in the following list. When I say bulldog I am talking about a normal bulldog and a French bulldog. These small muscular creatures don’t really like to go out of their bed. They don’t want to exercise but still, they need a bit of heavy exercise to maintain their nice muscular body. If they are not provided with the required exercise they may get a bit obese and believe me their heavy hugs may annoy you a bit.

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2. Shih Tzu

A cute and small fur-ball who just loves to have long power naps. This could be a perfect definition for a Shih Tzu. Shih Tzu is a royal Chinese dog breed who was bred so that they could live their lives in the royal palaces of China. They were naturally bred in a way that they don’t have a naturally active body. They were just kept as to show the royalty of the rulers in the Chinese Empire. By seeing their body size and shape you can easily figure out that the breed was never meant to be an active one. Though they are not a bundle of energy, they can still make you breathe faster during their playtime.

3. Basset Hound

Doesn’t the long hanging ears and those half-closed eyes make you feel that it deserved a place in this blog of ours? Well if you guessed it, you are pretty much right. Basset Hounds were bred for hunting and scent related works. As they were made for hunting purposes, they are one of the loyalist breeds one can have. If you are looking for a jogging partner then I think you should look for another breed, however, if you too like those lazy Sundays then you can opt to go for them.

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4. Great Dane

I think you didn’t expect such a giant in the list of ‘Top 5 Laziest Dog Breeds’, right? If you thought that only small breeds would be in this list, mate just asks about the super active life of a Chihuahua owner. These 200-pound giants love their beds more than anything else. But it is a real problem as they are really heavy and giant breeds and they do need to get sufficient exercise so that they don’t get prone to any joint issue, which is common in large breed dogs. Making them out of their bed is a bit of an effort. It feels practical if a 200-pound dog is not active, just imagine a super active Great Dane, god please bless the owner!

5. GreyHound

Well, sleeping is the power behind the speed of the fastest dog in the world, well just kidding. Greyhounds are known for their speed and just to tell you they can run at about 72km/h. They do have fame as the fastest dog in the world as of now but they are also known for their lazy and calm attitude. They do have a sleek and slim body but they love to spend their most of the time resting after running like a fast and furious car.

Also CHeck: Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the World  | Silver Arowana

So, this was our list of the Top 5 Laziest Dog Breeds. Again I want to tell you that these are not any sort of ranking stuff. These are just some random numbers on which the breed stands. Just in case you are looking for a jogging partner these are not the breeds that you should consider in your dog selection, you could rather opt for a Labrador or a German Shepherd in that case

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About the Author: Rishabh Pathak

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