Common Molly Fish

Common molly fish are called Mollies, also known as Poecilia sphenops, are a popular species of fish in the aquarium hobby. They are a species of live-bearing fish, which means they give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. Mollies are known for their hardiness and are a great beginner fish for those who are just starting out in the aquarium hobby.
common molly fish
common molly fish
Mollies come in a variety of colors, including black, gold, silver, and orange. They range in size from 1.5 to 3.5 inches and can live up to five years with proper care. They are extremely active fish, which makes them a great addition to any tank.

common molly fish diet

Mollies are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and small aquatic animals. In the wild, they will eat a variety of things, such as algae, crustaceans, and small insects. In the aquarium, they should be fed a variety of foods, such as flakes, pellets, frozen foods, and live foods. It is important to feed them a variety of foods to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.


Mollies are relatively easy to care for and can be kept in a variety of water conditions. They prefer a pH of 7.0 to 8.0, a hardness of 8 to 18 dGH, and a temperature of 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. They should also be provided with plenty of hiding places and plenty of space to swim.
Mollies are a great addition to any aquarium. They are hardy, active, and come in a variety of colors. They are relatively easy to care for and can be kept in a variety of water conditions. With proper care, mollies can live up to five years and will bring a lot of color and activity to your tank.

Common molly fish diseases

Molly fish are a popular type of aquarium fish and are known for their vibrant colors and friendly personalities. However, like all fish, mollies can be susceptible to a variety of diseases. It is important for fish owners to be aware of the common diseases and how to prevent them.
The most common disease that affects mollies is Ich, or white spot disease. This is caused by a parasite that attaches itself to the fish’s body and causes white spots to appear all over the fish. The best way to prevent this disease is to keep the water conditions in the aquarium stable and free from toxins.
Another common disease that affects mollies is bacterial infections. These can be caused by poor water conditions or a dirty aquarium. To prevent bacterial infections, it is important to make sure the aquarium is kept clean and the water is changed regularly.

fungal infections

Mollies can also be susceptible to fungal infections. These are caused by spores that grow in the water and attach themselves to the fish’s skin or gills. To prevent these infections, it is important to make sure the water conditions are kept clean and free from toxins.
Finally, mollies can be prone to parasites, such as flukes and worms. These parasites can cause a variety of problems, such as poor appetite, lethargy, and even death. To prevent parasites, it is important to keep the aquarium clean and free from debris. In addition, it is important to quarantine any new mollies that are added to the tank.
By being aware of the common diseases that can affect mollies, fish owners can help ensure that their fish stay healthy and happy. By maintaining proper water conditions and keeping the aquarium clean, fish owners can help keep their mollies safe from disease.

Common molly fish price

The common molly fish is a popular freshwater aquarium fish that is known for its vibrant colors and hardy nature. The price of a common molly fish can vary widely depending on the size, color, and type of molly fish being purchased. Generally, the average price for a common molly fish is between $2 and $4, with larger mollies costing more.
Molly fish come in a variety of colors, and the price can often reflect this. For example, the popular Balloon Molly is a bright orange and white fish that is often sold for a higher price than other mollies. Likewise, the Sailfin Molly, which has a more intricate pattern, may also cost more. Additionally, some specialty molly fish, such as the Golden Molly or the Silver Molly, may also cost more than the average molly.
When buying molly fish, it is important to consider the size of the fish being purchased. Smaller molly fish are often sold for less than larger mollies, but they may also require more care and attention. Additionally, some mollies may be sold in groups, which can offer a better price per fish. It is important to research any fish before buying to ensure that they are of good health and will be able to thrive in the tank they are purchased for.

molly fish in India

Common molly fish in India is a species of fish native to South Asia, particularly India. It belongs to the Poeciliidae family, which is known for its live-bearing fish. Common molly fish are a popular aquarium fish due to their bright colors, peaceful nature, and ability to adapt to a wide range of water parameters.
They are also popular due to their hardiness and ease of breeding. Common molly fish are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods such as flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods.
Common molly fish price in India can range from around 30 to 80 rupees depending on the size and variety. Common mollies are generally quite hardy and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists. They prefer a well-maintained tank with plenty of oxygen, good filtration, and regular water changes.
They should be kept in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places and plants, as they like to hide and explore. Common mollies are widely available in pet shops and online stores throughout India.
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About the Author: Rishabh Pathak

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