What vegetables and fruits are good for dogs

vegetables and fruits safe for dogs
vegetables and fruits safe for dogs

Vegetables and fruits safe for dogs is a matter that is both important and concerning for new comers to the world of dogs. Predominantly it is established that dogs are non vegetarian creatures. So, the need of meat in their diet is essential. But to balance out nutritional deficiencies left by meat you have to add up some vegetables and fruits safe for dogs in their diet. Fun Fact, longest living dog in the history is kept vegetarian its whole life. “Bramble”, as he was named was a Blue Merle collie who lived for a ripe old 27 years of age.

Is feeding vegetables and fruits good for dogs?

There are more than two schools of thought regarding this matter. Some say that dogs being decedents of wolves should only be fed meat. Some take this even further by advocating and feeding raw meat to their dogs.

Some are strictly feeding their dogs a vegetarian diet. F or example in India, almost all of the families following Hinduism or Jainism never give any form of non vegetarian diet. They don’t even feed eggs to their dogs. That’s a bit extreme, isn’t it?

Both of the above schools of thoughts are not dominating the scene. Majority of families feed a mix of meats and vegetables to their dogs.

well, here I must state my point of view. I am feeding both, non vegetarian and vegetarian foods to my dogs. And to my luck all of my dogs love most of the combinations I provide them. But here let us talk about Vegetables and fruits safe for dogs only.

What vegetables and fruits are good for dogs : vegetables.

Asparagus ; what vegetables and fruits are good for dogs.

this veggie is not unsafe or toxic to your dog. But this should be avoided since it is too hard to chew and digest. Properly cooked asparagus would work but I don’t see any point in feeding it to my dog. Despite it is too difficult to find at groceries store near me.

Broccoli ; What vegetables and fruits are good for dogs.

Earlier it is believed that broccoli is safe for dogs. Later studies found that they contain some toxin. These toxin can produce mild to very severe gastric trouble for your dog. Also if swallowed in large chunks the broccoli sticks can produce obstruction in the food pipe. In my opinion it is best to avoid this green veg for your dog.


there is no problem is feeding carrots to your dog. My German shepherd actually enjoys munching on raw carrots occasionally. On regular basis I feed them boiled carrots mixed in their daily diet. carrots provide a lot of dietary fiber to your dog and also beta carotene that is good for vision health.

Green bean

In all probability your dog is going to enjoy green beans. This is a great nutritional source for your beloved pooch. There are several options available. You can feed them raw, boiled, steamed or roasted. All will work good. Some precautions must be administered tough. Feed green beans without any additives like salt or taste enhancing spices. I personally prefer boiled.

Mushrooms ; What vegetables and fruits are good for dogs.

A big no. Must be avoided under all circumstances. This delicious fungus might be good for human consumption but in no case mushroom is going to do any good to your dog.


Onion have a chemical in them known as allium. This chemical is highly toxic to dogs and cats. Allium is harmful for red blood cells and causes their disintegration in dogs. This results in severe diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive track problems. In some cases this might prove fatal to your dog. In short never give onion to your dog.


Like green beans, peas are great for your dog. And similar to green beans in most cases dogs are going to love them. Peas are a rich source of various vitamins and minerals. They also have a good amount of protein in them. Feeding peas to your dog is a great option in providing essential nutrients through a vegetarian diet. I personally prefer to give my dogs boiled ones. And, oh boy they love to eat.


spinach is not specifically  toxic to dogs. But there is an underlying problem with spinach. There is a heavy amount of iron in spinach. Iron hinders in the absorption of calcium from other foods. So, despite it is possible your dog might like to have some spinach but you must take precaution in feeding it less frequently.


My personal favorite vegetable for dogs. Its great source of fiber. easy to digest and is loaded with nutrients. I feed a mix of pumpkin, carrots, bottle gourd, cabbage, cauliflower and sweet potatoes almost every day to my dogs.


Cabbage is good for dogs. I am feeding this to my dogs regularly. It aids in digestion, is good for the skin, and is cancer-fighting. It is loaded with fiber and is easy to digest when cooked.
Cabbage is low in calories so, it is really good for obese dogs and senior dogs. Cabbage is loaded with vitamin k, vitamin C and manganese. Vitamin c is a strong anti oxidant that is helpful in fighting cancer. Also, Cabbage has sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron in good amounts. Cabbage also supplies Vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin B3 in small amount. Cabbage is actually a great food for your dog.

precautions with cabbage :What vegetables and fruits are good for dogs.

But, there are some precautions you must take. It does contain natural chemical called thiocyanate. Thio cyanates suppresses the thyroid gland and over time can create hypothyroidism if regularly fed in large amounts. If you cook the cabbage then you deactivate thiocyanate, So cooking the cabbage is important if you are feeding your dog regularly in larger quantities.
Also, if consumed raw in large quantities cabbage can cause gas in dogs. A little chopped up raw cabbage sprinkled over your dog’s food every now and then won’t hurt. But for regular consumption you must cook it properly.

Bottle Gourd.

This I am recommending completely over my own experience. Although, Gourd family vegetables are recommended for dogs but, I haven’t found any recommendations specific for bottle gourd. Bottle gourd is also known as calabash. I regularly feed bottle gourd to my dogs. I do feed them boiled and mixed with other vegetables. Bottle gourd is good source of fiber. When cooked they are very easy to digest for dogs. Bottle gourd is loaded with potassium. It is also abundant in vitamin C. I have been feeding this to my dogs for more than 2 decades now. Its a great addition to any meal.

Fifth. Sweet Potato.

My dogs love sweet potatoes and I bet most do. Sweet potatoes are safe for dogs and great as a treat. But, don’t feed sweet potatoes in abundance. They are high in sugar. So not good for regular consumption. But feeding in small amounts as a treat is recommended.
Sweet potatoes are very high in fiber. This makes them good for digestion. They are low in fats. Sweet potato is one of the best source of vitamin A. The high amount of beta carotene in sweet potatoes make them good for eyes, skin, nails and hair. They are loaded with potassium, sodium, copper, magnesium, calcium and iron. Apart form vitamin A they have Vitamin c, vitamin B6 and vitamin B5 in small amounts. Mix them with regular food, feed them separate boiled or roasted they are well suited for any dog.


Cauliflower is good for your dog. It has an array of health benefits for your dog. Cauliflower is a good source of vitamin C and vitamin K. Apart from these two cauliflower is also a good source of vitamin B6. Cauliflower is a good source of sodium and potassium, with traces or small amounts of magnesium, calcium and iron. It has loads of fiber and water. It is good for intestines and keep body hydrated. But never give raw cauliflower to your dogs.
There is one thing to keep in mind. Cauliflower in larger quantities produces gas in digestive system. So, when introducing cauliflower to your dog go for very small amounts. Then increase accordingly if its digested by your dog. You should ask your vet about quantities for the breed of your dog. I always give a couple of boiled florets to my dogs mixed with other vegetables.

Green bean.

In all probability your dog is going to enjoy green beans. This is a great nutritional source for your beloved pooch. Green beans are rich in Phyto nutrients in the form of chlorophyll. Green beans are a good source of protein.They have calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. They are also having vitamin A, vitamin K and folate. Green beans also have thiamin and riboflavin.
There are several options available about how to feed them to your dogs. You can feed them raw, boiled, steamed or roasted. All will work good. Some precautions must be administered tough. Don’t feed green beans raw in larger quantities. Feed green beans without any additives like salt or taste enhancing spices. I personally prefer boiled.


Like green beans, peas are great for your dog. And similar to green beans in most cases dogs are going to love them. Peas are a rich source of various vitamins and minerals. They also have a good amount of protein in them.
They are good for digestion as they are high in fiber. Also peas are a really good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C,Thiamine and Folate, they have lots of minerals also like sodium, potassium, Manganese, Iron and Phosphorus. They are also rich in polyphenol antioxidants.
Feeding peas to your dog is a great option in providing essential nutrients through a vegetarian diet. I personally prefer to give my dogs boiled ones. And, oh boy they love to eat.

What vegetables are good for dogs.

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What Vegetables and fruits are good for dogs : fruits.


Apples are safe for dogs but with some conditions. You should remove the core and seeds of apple before feeding them. Apples can be fed in many ways. You can feed your dog raw apples or dried or roasted apples. When they are combined with peanut butter they make a great treat and in my experience all dogs love it.


avocado is a great fruit for dog parent but not for the dog. Avocado  actually contain a chemical called persin. This is a toxin for dogs. This chemical produces gastric-intestinal trouble in dogs. This may cause severe diarrhea that may quickly accelerate into life threatening condition.

So, no avocado in any case to dogs.


This fruit is a great option as a treat for dogs. They are high in energy content. Have a good amount of potassium, vitamins and minerals. And they have vitamin b complex additionally. The fiber is in loads in  banana and is very good for gastric intestinal tract for dogs.

But there is a short coming with this fruit. This is the amount of natural sugar present. we all know that sugar is harmful for dogs especially

Blueberries ; vegetables and fruits safe for dogs.

Well,blue berries are safe for consumption for dogs. But, a few of my own dogs do not like the taste. Still, some eat reluctantly. Some are always too excited to have some. So, it actually depends upon liking of a particular dog towards the blueberries. Never the less, blue berries are a great source of anti oxidants. Their deep blue color provides a good mix of photo nutrients also.

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Melon the Cantaloupe are ok to be consumed by dogs. They pack a punch of nutrients. and are great for the gut health. They hold a lot of water so are really good for hydration. But on the flip side they also have sugars in them. Thus, feeding too much and on regular basis must be avoided. In small quantities every now and then wont hurt.

Cherries ; vegetables and fruits safe for dogs.

Juicy Cherries are a big no no for dogs. This is because they are similar in properties as of apple seeds. This means that they can cause cyanide poisoning in your dog. So, be very careful to keep this fruit out of the reach of your dogs. Please take special care in keeping puppies away. Because small rolling balls are too much to resist for playful puppies. Also, if you suspect any sort of accidental consumption from your dog then be very vigilant.

Dilation of pupils, shortness of breath, redness of eyes, red or bleeding gums, bleeding from nose are symptoms of cyanide poisoning. At first sign of such symptoms go to your vet without delay.


Like blueberries Cranberries are considered safe for dogs in a moderate quantity.

But as like in the case of blueberries their consumption depends upon the like and dislike of a particular dog. But remember that they may upset the gut health in canines and thus must be given in small quantities only.


I feed my dogs cucumber regularly. And that too in ample quantities. Cucumber are a super food for dogs. You can feed cucumber to your dogs regularly. Cucumber are almost all water, so they are a great hydration source. Also, cucumbers are packed with loads of nutrients. Some are vitamin K, vitamin B1, magnesium and several other. Additional to this they are loaded in fiber that makes them great for gut health.

Grapes ; Whay vegetables and fruits are good for dogs.

You should never feed grapes to your dogs at all. It has been proven in several veterinary findings that grapes are highly toxic for the filtration mechanism in dogs. Grapes are attributed to kidney failure in canines. This toxicity is universal for all canines. No matter what age, breed or sex canines must not be fed grapes.


I feed mangoes to my dogs during summer time. This is the national fruit of India and is available in abundance during summer season. Mangoes are safe for your dogs. But you must exercise some precautions.

Firstly, only ripe mangoes are to be given. Secondly, please remember to remove the skin as there may be traces of pesticides that might not be removed by washing. Thirdly, remove the hard seed covering before feeding mangoes to your dog. This is so because as like in the case of apples the seed shell in mangoes may contain some cyanide traces.

one more thing to remember that mangoes are high in sugar content. So, occasional and moderate amounts should be fed to your dos. Because of the same reason avoid feeding too much to senior dogs. And never feed mangoes to diabetic dogs. Rest assured they make a good afternoon snack.


This citrus fruit can sever as a good snack or a sometime treat for your dog. But as in the case of Cranberries and blueberries it depends upon the dog itself if one likes the orange or not.


Peaches are good for dogs. In fact during their season they can serve as an additional source of fiber. Also they are packed with some vital nutrients. They are a very good source of vitamin c, vitamin k and potassium.

But still like in case of apples, mangoes and cherries their seed and surrounding fiber flesh have some percentage of cyanide. So, its best to remove seed and cut out the immediate flesh surrounding the seed. Also, please remember to peel of the skin because of the same reason as I have stated in mangoes.

And remember to only feed the fresh cut fruit not canned peaches soaked in sugar syrup.


Like peaches pears are also good for dogs. But in the similar fashion as like peaches you need to take some care in feeding pears to your dog.

you must peel off the skin and then remove the core containing seeds. Because of the similar reason as in case of other fruits like apples, peaches and mangoes.

Pears are excellent for your dogs. They are rich in vitamin c and vitamin k. Additionally they are a great source of copper for your dogs.

Remember to go for fresh cut pears as preserved and canned pears will have sugar syrup. That is not healthy for your dog.


Pineapple contains bromelian. Bromelian is an enzyme that helps breaking protein which facilitates digestion. Does that mean you can give pineapple to your dog?

yes and no!

yeah you can feed pineapple to your dog  but with precautions. First you have to remove the crown and then properly remove the outer hard shell of the fruit. After that you can feed occasional pineapple to your dog.

Remember that quantities should be kept small as pineapple is full of natural sugars. So, occasional feeding should be administered.


Raspberries contain xylitol. Xylitol is sugary chemical that has alcoholic properties. It is often used as an alternative to sugar. But for humans, not for dogs. Xylitol in concentrated quantities is extremely dangerous for dogs. Xylitol can cause hypoglycemia, liver failure, seizures in dogs. And can quickly lead to death if concentrated doses were taken.

So, should you give raspberries to your dog?

well, in natural form xylitol is not present in high quantities. So, yes you can feed some raspberries to your dog. Ignoring xylitol, raspberries are high in nutrition value. Raspberries contain anti oxidants that are hugely beneficial to dogs. Specially to senior dogs. They are also rich in manganese and vitamin c. So, a few raspberries every now and then wont be a problem. But please counsel with your vet.


Strawberries are good for dogs. They are a great source for vitamin c. Additional to this they have some teeth whitening properties also. Strawberries are a good source of fiber also. But they contain sugar in them. So, you must hold yourself back in feeding too much strawberries to your dog. Rest is all god in moderation.


Overall speaking tomatoes must not be fed to dogs. Specially the green ones. You cave give ripe tomatoes occasionally to your dog. But you must remove inside watery core with seeds. Tomato seeds are dangerous for dogs ans possess danger to kidneys. So, in my opinion instead of taking chances with your excellent judgement with raw and ripe tomatoes, leave them.

Watermelon. What vegetables and fruits are good for dogs.

Similar as in case of several other fruits mentioned above some precautions should be taken with watermelon. Watermelon flesh is particularly good for dogs. But before feeding them you should remove hard green part of watermelon and seeds. Consuming these may result in intestinal blockage. Otherwise watermelon is a good source of fiber, vitamin c, vitamin k and other nutrients.

watermelon is a great source of water to keep your pooch hydrated during summers.

Conclusion : What vegetables and fruits are good for dogs.

I believe that i have covered almost all of the common vegetables and fruits safe for dogs in this post. If there are some indigenous vegetables or fruits safe for dogs then do let us know in the comments. Also, before try anything new ask your vet as they have the best and latest knowledge.

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About the Author: Rishabh Pathak

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