Gold Fishes and Their Breeds Part 2

Gold Fishes and Their Breeds Part 2

Gold Fishes and Their Breeds, Aquarium for Goldfish and Goldfish Food.

Kaivalays’s Ani-Mall – Pet store in Jaipur 

In the Previous Post “Gold Fishes and Their Breeds Part 1, We have talked About  Goldfishes and 3 varieties of Goldfishes, Now in this article we are going to introduce 3 more Varieties of goldfishes with you.We will also tell you about their textures, diet, activities, and specializations. So let’s start trying to explore the beautiful world of pets once again from the following list:-

Gold Fishes and Their Breeds:-

  1. The feeder or The Common Goldfish.
  2. The Black Moore Goldfish.
  3. Bubble Eye Goldfish.
  4. Celestial Eye Goldfish.
  5. Comet GoldFish.
  6. FanTail Goldfish.
  7. Lion Head Goldfish.
  8. Oranda Goldfish.
  9. Pearl Scale Goldfish.
  10. Pompom Goldfish
  11. Ryukin Goldfish
  12. Shubunkin Goldfish
  13. Telescope Goldfish
  14. Ranch Goldfish
  15. Panda Moor Goldfish
  16. Veil Tail Goldfish
  17. Butterfly tail Goldfish
  18. Meteor Goldfish
  19. Lionchu Goldfish
  20. Egg Fish
  21. Shukin Goldfish
  22. Curled gill Gold Fish
  23. Tamasaba Goldfish
  24. Tosakin Goldfish
  25. White Telescope Goldfish
Now in this post, we are going to introduce 3 more Varieties of goldfishes with you.We will also tell you about their textures, diet, activities, and specializations.So let’s start trying to explore the beautiful world of pets once again.

4. Celestial Eye Goldfish

Celestial Eye Gold Fish Gold Fishes and Their Breeds Part 2

Celestial Eye Gold Fish is somewhat similar to Bubble Eye Goldfish. But just similar, not exactly same.They have somewhat telescopic eyes like Black Telescopic Eye Gold Fish but with pupils pointing upwards, like looking at the sky all the time. I think they can easily point their food but swallow it only by instinct. One more thing, don’t keep them in a crowded aquarium. How the hell we can walk on a crowded street with our eyes pointed to the sky? I don’t know, how it works for Celestial Eye Gold Fish. But somehow they manage. They are not as ugly to me as Bubble Eye Gold Fish, but still not a great fan of the breed, Celestial Eye Gold Fish.
They are also known as Star Gazer Goldfish.
This upward vision is absent in juveniles, but as they tend to grow this develops in process. First of all the protruding eye feature is developed as they began to grow. Then slowly as they move towards maturity, the upward vision starts to develop. Later in adults, their eyes are locked permanently in the upward position.
Celestial Eye Goldfish is also an egg-shaped variety of Goldfish. Celestial Eye Goldfish are just a bit bigger and thicker than Bubble Eye Goldfish. But Celestial Eye Goldfish is not as much rounded off as like other egg-shaped body Goldfish breeds. The fin on the back is also missing as in the case of Bubble Eye Goldfish.
The Celestial Eye Goldfish can reach to 5 inches in body length if provided with optimum conditions to grow.
In Celestial Eye Goldfish a wide range of color is not available. I don’t claim this, but personally, I have only seen a few solid colors like reddish orange, orange, and black.
Provided with clean and adequate space and proper living conditions they can live up to 15 years, though 10+ years seems to be more realistic.

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5. Comet GoldFish.

Gold Fishes and Their Breeds Part 2 Comet goldfish


Comet Gold Fish is also known as the Comet Tailed Gold Fish. Comet Goldfish is also the most common variety of Gold Fish along with the Common Goldfish or the Feeder Goldfish. These two varieties of goldfish, that is the Comet Goldfish and the Common Goldfish, are difficult to distinguish but with a little keen observation, we can learn to distinguish them. Comet Goldfish are a bit smaller and slimmer. Also, the Comet Goldfish have a bit longer tail compared to the Feeder Goldfish and Comet Goldfish have fork like, deeply separated tails.
Comet goldfish is the initial stage variety of the goldfish development by aquarium hobbyist. The Comet Goldfish is actually the first ever single and long tail fin variety to be developed in captivity. They are also bigger in comparison to other human developed varieties. They can easily grow to 5 inches even in a crowded aquarium. When they get good space to move their body they can get even bigger than 7 or 8 inches. If you can maintain a good sized pond they can surprise you by crossing even 12 inches of length.
As for their colors, they are available in different color options. They are most commonly found in reddish orange color. Though, less commonly they are found in red, white, yellow and bi-colored with the red and white combination.
Yeah, that is a hefty big Goldfish.
They are mostly used as aquarium fish for beginners but they are also used as live feed for larger fishes like Alligator Ghar, Red Tail Catfish and Arowana. They are also cheap to purchase and easy to maintain compared to the exotic varieties of Goldfish. If you choose to let them grow and flourish, they can live 12+ years and even considerably longer if you provide favorable conditions to thrive. This would be relatively easier if you nurture them in ponds.


6. FanTail Goldfish.

Gold Fishes and Their Breeds Part 2 Fantail gold fish

This one is interesting! By the name, they seem to be a fancy, aquarium hobbyist developed variety, but in reality, Fan Tail Goldfish is a wild variety. Yeah, they originated in wild and trace back their origin to central Asia. They inhibit freshwater bodies like ponds, lakes, ditches etc. that are regularly fed by some running water resources, nearby. They also make rivers their home but only they very slow moving sections of rivers. In wild, they feed on aquatic plants or plants growing very near to shore, water insects, insect larvae and small beetles that are inside their pond or lake ecosystem
Fan Tail Goldfish are usually confused with every other variety of Goldfish which have long tails. They have very long flowing tails, in good developed and nicely cared for specimens but there are other distinguishable features also.
Fan Tail Goldfish have an egg-shaped body, a bit larger head to look at and a moderately long flowing tail as stated earlier. They are easily distinguished with Ryukin Goldfish because they (Fan Tail Goldfish) don’t have prominent shoulder bulge. There is one more distinctive feature in Fan Tail Goldfish that their tail is split into two equal parts up to just below their backbone and are slightly forked at about one-third to half of the total tail length.They are found in many colors but solid colors are most common. Though they are found in three different scale varieties the metallic shining, speckled scale, and matt scale.
Moving on to the ease of keeping them, they are a hard variety. That is, they don’t get attacked by parasites as easily as in other fancy varieties. You can be a little relaxed in caring for them. They can survive a little temperature fluctuation, an accidental 3-4 hrs gap in aeration, a week’s delay in changing water etc. but please don’t be too much ignorant. They are still small bubbly fishes which need clean water, ample food and enough space to swim and live a healthy life.


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So In Part 2 of Gold Fishes and Their Breeds, We have talked About  Goldfishes and 3 more common varieties of Goldfishes, we will be back with All Remaining Breeds of Gold Fishes in Next Article till then Keep Visiting and Share your views and experiences with us using Comment Section, And please don’t Forget to share this post with all the pet lovers.

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About the Author: Rishabh Pathak

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