Afghan hound exercise requirements

Hello reader!Welcome to the series of dog breeds presented to you by Kaivalaya’s Ani-Mall. We are presently in the first part of our series in which we were presenting sighthounds. In the first chapter of this series, we were discussing the Afghan hound in our previous post we have provided you a brief account on respect training for Afghan hound. In this post, we will talk about how to get your Afghan hound exercise that is complete for them.

Afghan hound exercise requirements

Afghan hound exercise requirements

To own an Afghan hound has its own perks like public attention amongst others but owning an Afghan hound is challenging in its own ways. After considering the cost of ownership and the probable everyday life with the Afghan hound next to consider is Afghan hound exercise requirements. It would not be an over expectation to say that Afghan hound exercise requirements are not wide and varied but Afghan hound exercise should be intense and long.

By this I mean to say that the time and discipline required for Afghan hound exercise is a bit more than your usual dog breeds. The goal of Afghan hound exercise should be the achievement of mental and physical stimulation alike. For physical Afghan hound exercise requirements running long distances is the best option. This form of Afghan hound exercise will provide them with good physical exhaustion and you should be able to ward of the nervousness of the breed to a certain degree. To carter the exercise requirement to an optimum level I believe that at least 30 minutes of quick jog should be sufficient. In this course of time, they could cover at least 7-8 kilometers without straining their muscles too much.

Please remember that the Afghan hound has been a hunting and guardian breed for a very long time. It was in the context of the modern world that Afghan hound is been kept in confined spaces. It is always advisable to keep your Afghan in a country land where long stretches of the field to run free are always available. But if you must keep this breed in confined city limits you must provide them with a fenced large yard to roam freely. This is a must not only for the Afghan hound exercise requirements but also for the sound mental health of the dog.

Apart from the above Afghan hound exercise requirements, you need to answer one more little need of your dog. You should consider sufficing their wanderlust. Take your Afghan hound for a walk in the evening for at least a mile or two taking different paths of the neighborhood.

Fulfill these exercise requirements and you will always have a happy Afghan hound to enjoy your time with.

You May Also Like:- Expenses of rearing an Afghan hound

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Here I would like to conclude this post about Afghan hound exercise and Afghan hound exercise requirements, but the work has not been completed yet. There are several topics remaining as we proceed with the breed description and move ahead in the series of dog breeds by Kaivalaya’s Ani-Mall.

So, it’s a goodbye for now.If you like our work at; Kaivalaya’s Ani-Mall please like and subscribe our blog.We are also open to any suggestion from our readers to improve our works.Thank you so much for visiting Kaivalaya’s Ani-Mall.

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About the Author: Rishabh Pathak

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